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"Sahaj Group" was born in the year 1994.The members of the group have studied at the university of music from Bucharest and at the"“Late P.K. Salve” Academy from Nagpur,India.
The group has performed at many festivals,artistical events in the country and outside the country.
Timisoara: (mai 2000); Bucuresti: concert under the name“DFrom the East to the West" organised by the “Aperto” foundation, concerts at Sala RADIO (2002, 2006, 2008), Sala ARCUB (2000-2003), Teatrul National Bucuresti, at the festivali „Carte si Arte” (2006 si 2007); and many others...
1995 - tour in Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary and Italy; concerts in India at Nargol (november 1995), Ganapatipuleandi Delhi (december 1995); 1996 - concerts ay Nagpur, India and in Bulgaria;1997 - concerta at Graz, Austria andi Lisabona, Portugal; concerts in Istanbul, Turkey (1998-2002); Hungary (2000, 2001); Italy(1996, 1998, 2001, 2007); Belgrad, Serbia (2008).
Albums:1996 „Sahaj Bhajans”;
1999 „Tunes of love”;
2001 „Songs of Belous” - dedicated to the beloved Baba Mama,principle of music academy from Nagpur India
2003 „Special Times” - dedicated to Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on her 80th birth occasion
Members of the group:
Sudhir(Sorin Bunda):tabla&voice
Annapoorna (Anne-Marie Ene) :voice&violin
Iulia Harangus:voice
Dan Huides:harmonium&voice
Malik (Mihai Lupoaie):harmonium&voice
Smita (Simona Neagu):voice
Yusuf (Ionut Neagu):tabla
Adrian Neacsu:guitar&voice